Young Episcopal DeaconsA group of young(ish) deacons and deacons-in-training in various parts of The Episcopal Church, with a blog for sharing who they are and what they do.
Started in 2016, the group is growing and invites deacons age 40 and younger to subscribe. Read their blog, interests, initiatives and more on their website.
Called to Servant Leadership
Created in 2020 by the Young Deacons, this trifold brochure is available for use in your diocese. Download the brochure. Young deacons - share your unique diaconal experiences
We're actively seeking articles for publication in Diakoneo magazine. Describe your ministry, share challenges and joys, explore your goals for a new project, or whatever is on you mind. Let's help inspire each other. You can contact us or use this submmission form. Extra details in our writing guideline. |