International and Ecumenical EventsPrevious Events
Anglican Deacons Canada 2024 Conference
"Beacons of Hope in a Messy World" June 13 - 16, 2024 Sorrento Centre, British Columbia, CA Conference brochure. Church of England Network of Distinctive Deacons, National Conference 2023
Breaking New Ground: Creativity, Innovation, and the Role of the Deacon Saturday, Oct. 21, 2023 (In-person UK or via Zoom) 9:15 am - 4:00 pm (British Standard Time) Speaker: Rev Dr Richard Tiplady "Gather at the River" DOTAC Conference
August 14 - 18, 2023 Minneapolis, MN Diakonia of the Americas and Caribbean Held near Bdote – the sacred place where two rivers meet, as an ecumenical and international diaconal community. We lament of a world of racism and ecological gloom, poverty and pandemic, war and uprooted people. We seek to claim healing for ourselves, the planet, and its people, and move toward holy joy in our work for justice. Includes site visits and workshops on Anti-Racism work, climate justice, and anti-poverty activism to resiliency training. Keynote speaker Joe Davis, preacher Kelly Sherman-Conroy. DOTAC is Diakonia of the Americas and Caribbean. DOTAC encourages connection between diaconal ministers of different denominations. Read these unique diaconal statements from member organizations. Anglican Deacons Canada - 2021 Triennial Conference
July 9-10, 2021 Theme: "Deacons in a Pandemic & Its Aftermath: Coming Together in Virtual Community" Watch a special thank you message to Nancy Ford from Archbishop Linda Nicholls. 14th DOTAC Conference
Diakonia of the Americas and Caribbean August 14-20, 2019 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada The flyer and website are available for general information. Anglican-Roman Catholic Conference on the Diaconate
May 10-13, 2018 Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada Event brochure. Interview of Dr. Brett Salkeld and Deacon Michael Jackson here Followup information:
World Diakonia
June 28-July 5, 2017. Chicago. Read the Opening Address by President Deacon Sandy Boyce.
13th DOTAC Conference
Diakonia of the Americas and Caribbean October 21-27, 2015 Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil Attended by approximately 100 persons representing 12 different diaconal communities of various denominations from North and South America, the Caribbean and Australia. The conference focused on the contrast between abundant life for all that Jesus proclaimed (John 10:10) and the globalization that continues to exclude and enslave keeping some people under the table while those in power enjoy the food and power around the table. The February 2016 issue of Diakoneo includes followup articles. Association of Anglican Deacons in Canada Conference 2014
August 14, 15, 16,17, 2014 Halifax, Nova Scotia Conference followup. |
“Diaconal service, or “service ministry,” is not something that we ‘do.’ It is what happens when someone’s deep desire to serve Christ comes to life..." Community of Lutheran Deacons