AED's Strategic Plan - 2017-2020AED is creating a Strategic Plan to chart its direction for increasing our reach and relevance, to its members and beyond. Our board and staff have worked together throughout the first half of 2017 to create a Strategic Plan for 2017-2020. During January, February, and early March, we gathered information and considered major issues that needed to be addressed. Small groups addressed three major planning areas, and their thoughts, captured on paper, were circulated to the entire board. On March 20, 2017, we held a retreat in Atlanta to hammer out broad goals for each area.
The board has formulated a written draft of their work. It is divided into the three areas: Program, Organization, and Finance/Fundraising. Each area has broad goals; each goal has related specific objectives. The board is now seeking comments on these DRAFT goals and objectives. Please review the outline below and the Strategic Plan DRAFT. Share your comments using the form below. You need not be a member of AED to offer comments. PROGRAM AREA GOALS
Your comments will be summarized and shared at AED’s Executive Committee Meeting in August, where we expect to move a good deal closer to a final plan, to be offered to the board for adoption as soon as possible. Get your comments in now, because time is short. This work is hard. Help us. Please leave your comments today. |