Deacon Ormonde Plater - Archived Documents
The following materials were created by Deacon Ormonde Plater. Following his death on August 6, 2016, they were transferred to AED's website for continued use. We are immeasurably grateful to Ormonde for his hard work in creating and offering this material to the deacon community.
By the mystery of this water and wine
may we come to share in the divinity of Christ who humbled himself to share in our humanity. ~ Prayer of the deacon on pouring water into wine |
Ormonde Plater's story
Meditations on the death of Richard Plater
A Calendar of Deacon Saints - List & bios of over 200 deacons
Meditations on the death of Richard Plater
A Calendar of Deacon Saints - List & bios of over 200 deacons
Prayers of the People
Intercessions - Miscellaneous
- Presentation of the Lord: Candlemas (Feb 2)
- Annunciation (March 25)
- Chrism Mass (normally on Thursday or earlier in Holy Week)
- Jazz Mass (especially in Easter)
- Saints Peter and Paul (June 29)
- Independence Day (July 4)
- Transfiguration (Aug 6)
- St. Mary the Virgin (Aug 15)
- Holy Cross (Sept 14)
- Thanksgiving Day
- Burial of the Dead
- Litany of Saints (Easter Vigil and Nov 1)
- Litany of Deacon Saints (Diaconal Ordination)
- Litany of Native Saints (Native Peoples)
- Litanies for the Daily Office
Material for Episcopalians (and other Anglicans) who chant the daily office, using Antiphonale Monasticum (2005-2008):
Material for Catholics who chant the monastic hours, using Antiphonale Monasticum (2005-2008):
- Ambrosian Gospel Chants
- Great O Antiphons at Magnificat (Plater translation, with the traditional chant)
- Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete (used as Invitatory at Morning Prayer during Lent)
- Good Friday Ecce Lignum (chant "Behold the wood of the Cross")
- Exsultet (Ambrosian chant)
- Exsultet (Beneventan chant)
- Exsultet (Roman)
- Chanted responses for Prayers of the People
Material for Episcopalians (and other Anglicans) who chant the daily office, using Antiphonale Monasticum (2005-2008):
- Tones (eight psalm tones, plus others) (chant notation)
- Psalter, BCP text (for hours of the week, with other psalms) (chant notation)
- Seasons of the Year (Ordinary Time) (chant notation)
- Seasons (Advent, Christmas and Epiphany, Lent, Easter) (chant notation)
- Proper of Saints (chant notation)
- Common of Saints (chant notation)
- Gospel Canticles, BCP Psalter, with Benedictus and Magnificat (modern notation)
- Antiphons of BVM, Latin and English, solemn and simple tones (chant notation)
- Slavonic Tones, in four parts, for singing psalms and canticles in harmony (modern notation)
Material for Catholics who chant the monastic hours, using Antiphonale Monasticum (2005-2008):
Special Services
- Litanies for Daily Office - Sun-Sat
- Tenebrae